Saturday, December 29, 2007

Make a Strong Start

As the year winds down, I find myself reflecting on the past 11+ months - the accomplishments, the lessons learned, and all the treasured moments. It’s amazing how quickly the year has flown by. It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating the beginning of 2007.

It’s been a busy year at Smooth Sailing. We launched the Smooth Sailing Success website, started the Business Skills Workshops, began the Audio Success Library, and most importantly helped many, many clients reach their goals. Personally, I’ve taken up golf (I’ll be sharing more about that in future newsletters!), continued perfecting my Spanish, and was the recipient of the Thelma Gibson Award of Excellence.

It’s been an exciting, productive and wonderful year. That said, did I reach all my goals? No, I didn’t. Did I have setbacks and challenges along the way? Of course, I did. But rather than focus on what I didn’t get done, I’m looking forward to the new year with gratitude for what I did accomplish and renewed enthusiasm for the future.

I’m especially looking forward to helping you reach your most important goals. Last week during Power Lunch, my monthly teleconference where I share tips and ideas for success, we talked about ways to jumpstart the new year and set yourself up for the success you want. You can listen to Power Lunch on the Audio page of the Smooth Sailing Success website.

Why not make 2008 the year you take yourself and your business to the next level? Here are my top three tips to make a strong start for the new year:

1. Acknowledge your successes.
Have you taken time to reflect on your accomplishments for the past twelve months? We often get so busy going for the goal, focusing on the future or just plodding through the demands of the day that we lose sight of the things we are achieving. It is important to give yourself credit for all the great things that you do. What has been your biggest win for the year? What is the thing you are most proud of? Have you celebrated your success?

2. Re-evaluate your unmet goals.
Reassess your goals and figure out which ones are still relevant. In looking at your goals, are there some that need to be discarded, that are no longer of interest or no longer meaningful? Are there some that need to be reframed or broken down into smaller action steps?

3. Decide what you want.
A major reason that people don’t have what they want is because they haven’t clearly decided what they want; they haven’t defined their desires in a clear and compelling way. According to Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles, “most people really foul up at this crucial first step because they simply can't see how it's possible to get what they want so they don't even let themselves want it.” It’s your life. You get to decide what you want.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Taking Home the "Thelma"

I'm happy and truly honored to be the recipient of the 2007 Thelma Gibson Award of Excellence. I received the "Thelma" yesterday at the Women's Chamber of Commerce award luncheon at the Westin Colonnade in Coral Gables, Florida and am very proud to be named among the other outstanding women who were finalists as well as the former recipients of this prestigious award.

The "Thelma" was begun 7 years ago by the Women's Chamber of Commerce of Miami-Dade County to recognize an individual and a corporation who have excelled in promoting leadership, excellence and business development among corporate and professional women.

The award is named in honor of the Chamber founder, Thelma Gibson, a remarkable women who had the vision to create a wonderful organization where women could support one another in building their businesses, share ideas and work together for common good. She's an amazing woman and an excellent example of what one person can do to make the world a better place.

Thelma Gibson will be 81 years young on Monday. She continues to be actively involved in the community and refers to herself as a "professional volunteer." She is truly an inspiration. Happy Birthday, Thelma!

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Power of Appreciation

One of my favorite authors and speakers, Dr. Wayne Dyer, has said, "The secret of abundance is to stop focusing on what you do not have, and shift your consciousness to an appreciation of all that you are and all that you do have."

Reading Dr. Dyer’s words caused me to think about how often we tend to focus on what is lacking in our lives. On a daily basis, we are bombarded with messages reminding of us of what is missing. From songs that drone on about lost love to advertisements that remind us that we aren’t good-looking enough, healthy enough or smart enough, the stream of lack consciousness seems never-ending.

You only have to listen to our daily chatter for a few minutes to hear the focus on lack. For example, how many times do you hear people say things like, I didn't get enough sleep, I don't have the energy, I don't have enough time, I don't have enough money, I don't have enough __________ (just fill in the blank) confidence, help, appreciation, talent, education, and on and on and on. What we focus on expands and we create more of it with our thoughts and words. If we’re not careful, we may miss the richness and goodness that we have as a result.

What could our world look like if we shifted our focus to what we have instead of what we lack? Try these tips for expressing gratitude and see what magic you create.

1. Look for the good in others. It is not always easy to find the good in another person. However, it is there if you look for it. Focusing on what is good will help you recognize the goodness that is happening around you as well as find ways to acknowledge the good in others. Ask yourself: What do I see that is good?

2. Express gratitude to others often. Say "thank you" to others at every opportunity. People never tire of hearing words of sincere appreciation. Hand-written notes are nearly a thing of the past, but are so appreciated. Take a few minutes at the end of each week to hand- write a "thank you" note to a customer, a friend, an employee or someone you appreciate. Ask yourself: Have I said "thank you" today?

3. Take time to appreciate yourself. Don't wait for others to acknowledge you. Allow yourself to reflect on your actions and accomplishments at the end of each day and truly appreciate yourself. You deserve it! You may feel uncomfortable at first. Try easing into self-appreciation by writing down 5 things you are proud of each evening before falling asleep. Ask yourself: What do I appreciate about myself today?

4. Begin the day with an attitude of gratitude. There is so much to be grateful for if you choose to focus on it. As you continue with this exercise on a daily basis, you will begin to notice that being grateful opens the possibility for increased blessing and goodness in your life. Ask yourself: What will I appreciate today?

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thelma Gibson Awards

I'm thrilled and honored to be named a finalist for the Thelma Gibson Award of Excellence. The award was begun 7 years ago by the Women's Chamber of Commerce of Miami-Dade County to recognize an individual and a corporation who have excelled in promoting leadership, excellence and business development among corporate and professional women.

The award is named in honor of the Chamber founder, Thelma Gibson, a remarkable women who had the vision to create a wonderful organization where women could support one another in building their businesses, share ideas and work together for common good.

The Thelma Gibson Award of Excellence (a “Thelma”), will be awarded on December 13, 2007 at the Westin Colonnade in Coral Gables, FL.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Holiday Stress Busters

Mark your calendar now to join me for Power Lunch on November 13.

I'll be sharing tips and ideas to help you:
  • Manage holiday expectations
  • Handle the added holiday stress
  • Stay on course to reach your goals

It's easy to attend! Power Lunch meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month via teleconference.

Power Lunch is complimentary, however reservations are required.

Just send an email to to receive dial-in instructions.

Here are the details:

Date: November 13, 2007
Time: 12:00 - 12:30pm

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Time Mastery - Are you ready?

“The ability to focus is nearly a lost art.”
Pat Morgan

"Don't say you don't have enough time.
You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given
to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci,
Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." ~ H. Jackson Brown

"It's impossible to fully focus on more than one thing at a time.” ~ Charles Vincent

Pat's Top Ten Tips for Time Mastery

1. Stop using time as an excuse.

2. Find out where you spend your time.

3. Simplify your life.

4. Be intentional about scheduling.

5. Zap Time Wasters.

6. Prioritize your efforts.

7. Handle the interruptions.

8. End procrastination now!

9. Use the phone and email efficiently.

10. Schedule time for yourself.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Finish the Year Strong!

Power Up with Power Lunch!

Mark your calendar and plan to join me for Power Lunch on October 9.
I'll be sharing tips and ideas to help you:
  • Refocus on your most important goals
  • Get back on track to make progress before year end
  • Take action now!

It's easy to attend!

Power Lunch meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month via teleconference.

Power Lunch is complimentary, however reservations are required.

Email to confirm attendance and receive call-in instructions.

Date: October 9, 2007
Time: 12:00 - 12:30pm

Look forward to having you on the Power Lunch call!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Leading Through Change

Are you facing the challenge to lead your organization through change? Is change disrupting workflow and distracting you from reaching your most important goals? Are you searching for answers to get you through a transition?

In the fast-paced business environment we live and work in today, it seems almost everyone is dealing with some sort of change nearly all the time.

According to well-known author and management consultant, Peter Drucker, “change is the norm, and unless an organization sees that its task is to lead change, that organization--whether a business, a university, or a hospital--will not survive in the 21st-century.”

Change is a constant. Learning how to lead change in ways that minimize disruption and keep the organization on course will set you apart as “change leaders. “

Research has shown that the most difficult part of change is dealing with the fear and anxiety it inevitably creates. Managing change is central to effective leadership. Rather than allow fear and angst to take control, why not pro-actively manage change?

People need an anchor to keep them steady during times of change and uncertainty. They naturally look to their leaders to help them make sense of change and understand how to handle it.

Leading through change can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be a struggle.Here are three tips to help you “lead through change” and guide your organization successfully through transition.

1. Develop a Change Management Plan. Where do you see yourself once the change has become a reality? Get clear on your desired outcome and what you need to make it happen. Develop a plan to use as your roadmap and guide. Ask yourself: Do I have a clearly defined plan?

2. Communication is key. Keep the lines of communication open. Communicate often to keep employees up to date on changes that are occurring. Provide forums, such as “all hands” meetings or a suggestion box, where they may ask questions and voice their concerns. Ask yourself: How will I communicate the change to our team?

3. Promote Teamwork. Creative a positive environment that encourages teamwork and facilitates problem-solving. Unite the team around a shared vision for the future and involve people in the process. Ask yourself: What can I do today to promote teamwork?

Friday, August 31, 2007

The 7 Deadly Sins of Networking

A new Business Skills Workshop will be offered every Friday beginning in September. The series is aimed at providing information about networking, marketing, sales and organizational skills for busy professionals.

I'll be leading the weekly lunch workshop with Ed Gorin, president of Gorin Communications, a marketing and public relations firm.

Ed is known for his Business Buzz networking column,, which reports on the activities of the business networking community. Visit the site to read his latest article which is about our workshop.

The kickoff program on Friday, Sept. 7, will be "The Seven Deadly Sins of Networking."

Ed and I both have built successful businesses on networking, but it took us a long time and we made a lot of mistakes along the way. We want to help other businesses avoid some of those errors and reduce the learning curve.

The Business Skills Workshop will be at 12 noon every Friday at the Chamber South Conference Center, 6410 SW 80 St., South Miami.

Attendance is limited to the first 35 who register. Cost, including lunch, is $15 for chamber members and $20 for others. RSVP by calling 305-661-1621 or online at

Read more about the new business skills workshop at

Hope to see you there!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Dealing with Information Overload

Ever feel like you're drowning in information? It is impossible to escape the deluge of information coming at us on any given day. According to Mark Nelson of Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, "more new information has been produced within the last three decades than in the last five millennia." No wonder we're in overload when it comes to information.

The amount of available information keeps increasing while the time available to absorb it is limited. It can be overwhelming trying to process the non-stop email, phone calls, instant messages, text messages and 24-hour live news coverage - not to mention the never-ending stream of newspapers, magazines, books, mail and other publications.

Information is knowledge and can be a powerful resource. The objective is obviously not to eliminate information, but to find a balance in managing and using all the information available to us.

Here are some things I'm doing to better manage information overload:

  • Unsubscribing to lists and publications I rarely read
  • Asking friends not to include me in their "Forwards"
  • Using filters to flag Spam and unwanted messages
  • Using folders to organize messages
  • Keeping fewer email messages in my Inbox
  • Thinking before sending email responses that are unnecessary
  • Setting aside a specific time each day to catch up on email and calls
How do you manage infoglut?

Monday, August 6, 2007

Chamber South offers Business Skills Workshop

An exciting new Business Skills Workshop series kicks off September 7 at Chamber South in Miami. The series is aimed at providing information about networking, marketing, sales and organizational skills to the small business community.

I'll be leading the weekly lunch workshop with my good friend and colleague, Ed Gorin, president of Gorin Communications, a marketing and public relations firm.

The kickoff program on Friday, Sept. 7, will be The Seven Deadly Sins of

Other subjects we will be covering in workshops to follow include:

- What Your Business Card Says About You

- Cost Effective Marketing

- Creating a Niche for Your Business

- How to Hire the Right Employee

- How to
Position Yourself for Success

The Business Skills Workshop will be 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. every Friday at the Chamber South Conference Center, 6410 SW 80 St., South Miami. Attendance will be limited to the first 35 who register.

Cost, including lunch, is $15 for chamber members and $20 for others.

RSVP by calling Nicole Grabowski at 305-661- 1621 or online at

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Using Change to Your Advantage

Not able to attend Power Lunch? No worries. Now you can listen to a recording of Power Lunch on the Smooth Sailing Success website

Click here to listen to my recent program on "Using Change to Your Advantage."

Are you going through a transition? Career, relationship, relocating or retirement? It can be frightening when change is happening. Change is constant, so why not make the best of it.

Listen now to my 5 keys to help you use change to your advantage.

  • Face the fear
  • Move through obstacles
  • Embrace the opportunity

Mark your calendar for the next Power Lunch with Pat. It's easy to attend!

Power Lunch meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month via teleconference.

Power Lunch is complimentary, however reservations are required.

Email to confirm attendance and receive call-in instructions.

Date: August 14, 2007
Time: 12:00 - 12:30pm

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Financial Freedom: Use Money to Create a Life You Love

It can be difficult to create a life you truly love without the financial resources to support you. I've always viewed money as a tool that gives me options. In my experience of having money and not having money, I prefer to have it. It allows me the freedom to make choices that are not available without it - to do things like... send a child to camp, provide care for my ailing Mother, give to my community, and to my favorite causes - just for starters.

I recently had the opportunity to chat with Ellen Siegel of Siegel Planners about financial freedom. Ellen and I met a few months ago at the Women's Chamber of Commerce where I was the guest speaker. We had one of those wonderful "instant" connections that only happen occasionally. Click here to listen to Ellen's sage advice on how to use your money to create the life you want. Visit her on the web at

Monday, June 25, 2007

Heroes Among Us - Harry Horgan

Congratulations to Harry Horgan for being selected by People Magazine as one of their "Heroes Among Us." Harry, the co-Founder and CEO of Shake-A-Leg Miami, was featured in the June 4 issue of People (the one with Princess Diana on the cover). Shake-A-Leg is a water sports community center whose specialty is working with people - adults and children alike - with physical, developmental and economic challenges.

To view the article, click here.

To learn more about Shake-A-Leg, go to

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Get Your Year in Gear

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of speaking at the General meeting of the Dade Association of Health Underwriters (DAHU). The topic of my presentation was "Get Your Year in Gear" targeted toward making the most of the remainder of 2007 to reach your most important goals.

My client and friend, Alina Blanco, who works at AvMed, invited me to present at this gathering of health insurance professionals. Alina and I met a few years ago through a networking meeting at the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce and have been friends since. I've watched Alina grow in her career, stepping up to make changes to move her toward her career goals - and her personal goals. She is a great example of the power of coaching.

Learn more about DAHU at

Friday, June 1, 2007

Are You on Track to Reach Your Goals?

Power Up with Power Lunch!
June 12 - Power Lunch Success Series continues

Mark your calendar now to join me for Power Lunch on June 12!

We're almost mid-way through the year. Are you making progress toward your goals? Do you need to course correct?

Join me for tips and ideas to help you get into action and make your goals a reality.

  • Re-evaluate your goals
  • Re-new your energy and enthusiasm
  • Re-focus on what you want to achieve
  • Re-commitment to your success

Power Lunch is complimentary, however reservations are required.

Email to confirm attendance and receive call-in instructions.
  • Date: June 12, 2007
  • Time: 12:00 - 12:30pm

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ready to Energize Your Life?

Are you buried under draining to-do lists, never-ending activities, non-stop phone calls, messages and email? Do you rush from meeting to meeting trying to keep up with the demands of the day? Are you exhausted and overwhelmed? Would you like to have more energy to get it all done? Recharging your batteries is fundamental to your vitality, health and performance. Without inspiration and energy, it's difficult to be your best.

One of things that helps me recharge is running. Years ago, I started running as a way to stay in shape. It wasn't long before I discovered that it was much more than that. When I run, stress melts away and I feel lighter, more creative, more energetic and happier. If I miss my run for a few days, I begin to feel sluggish, tired and grumpy. When I run, work comes more easily, I am more productive, life is more enjoyable and I'm more fun to be around. Exercise is a vital part of my life and helps me stay energized, refreshed and renewed.

I asked a few clients to share with you how they recharge. In the midst of the fast-paced world we live in, these sharp, successful, busy professionals still find time to renew and re-vitalize themselves. Here's what they shared:

Linda, an entrepreneur, practices yoga 3-4 times a week. She finds it relaxing and refreshing - and says it helps her in being more focused during the day.

Elaine, a sales executive, gets her daily inspiration from her early morning walks on the beach.

Rick, a CFO, listens to audio-books during his 45-minute commute. His full schedule leaves little time for reading so he uses the drive time as his "Rolling University" where he listens to books - fiction, business, self-improvement and biographies.

John, President & CEO of a telecommunications firm, has rediscovered the sheer pleasure of writing poetry. Years ago (25 years or so now), John enjoyed expressing his thoughts and feelings through poetry. In the busy-ness of life (marriage, kids and high-profile career jet-setting around the globe), he had stopped writing. Through our coaching, he began to open a space for writing which allowed him to re-connect with the enjoyment he found in creating poems. He says it helps him problem solve and think differently when he is working. And, this outlet inspires and energizes him.

The list of ways to energize your life is endless. What energizes you and inspires you to be your best?

If you'd like more ideas on renewal and getting revitalized, order my Top Ten Tips to Energize Your Life. You'll find it on the Top Tens page of my website. Click here.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Struggling to Stay Focused?

Do you find yourself struggling to stay focused in the busy-ness of your day? Do you juggle constantly changing priorities and race to meet deadlines? Are you challenged to effectively manage email, phone calls and never-ending interruptions?

If you answered, "Yes," to any of the above, be sure to join me for Power Lunch on Tuesday, May 8 at noon for tips and ideas to stay focused on what is most important in the midst of all the distractions that take you off course.

Power Lunch meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month via teleconference.

Power Lunch is complimentary, however reservations are required.

Just send an email to to confirm attendance and receive call-in instructions.

  • Date: May 8, 2007
  • Time: 12:00 - 12:30pm

What's your most important QUESTION about staying focused to reach your goals?

Monday, April 30, 2007

Own Your Own Power

I'm excited to be joining marketing coach and author Simone Kelly-Brown, along with her co-host, Nikki Clifton Sunday evening, May 6, on their weekly radio program, "Own Your Own Power." The show airs from 7-8pm on News Talk 1080AM WTPS here in Miami, FL.

Each Sunday night, Simone and Nikki reveal the secrets of highly successful "masters" in a fun and down to earth manner, offering insightful and straightforward business advice, as well as relevant business building topics that can also be found in Simone’s book "Jack of All Trades, Master of None?"

I met Simone last month when I was the guest speaker at the eWomen Network Luncheon. Simone is a fun, dynamic and very successful young woman. Her company GTHI provides innovative marketing, empowering events, and business resources for entrepreneurs. Stop by her website where you may also register for her awesome e-newsletter.

Simone not only finds time to run a business and host a radio show, but also gives back to our community through her Give 'N Take Network

Set your radio dial to 1080AM this Sunday at 7 to catch the program. I'd love to hear your comments on the show!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Who's Who Among Florida WBEs

I'm thrilled to be included in the recent publication, Who's Who Among Florida WBEs, a listing of over 100 members of the Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). The book profiles 125 woman owned businesses and is dedicated to "all business women who have set goals and achieved success despite obstacles and set backs."

Smooth Sailing received WBENC certification in 2005. WBENC, founded in 1997, is dedicated to enhancing opportunities for women's business enterprises. It provides a national standard of certification and maintains an Internet database with information on more than 700 certified women's businesses for use by purchasing managers nationwide ( WBENC is the nation's leading advocate for women-owned businesses as suppliers to America's corporations.

Monday, April 23, 2007

No Failure Zone

What would you attempt to do if you knew you wouldn't fail? This powerful question was posed to me a few months ago and really got me thinking. What would I set out to do if I knew that I was in a safe place, a "no failure zone," where everything I do is leading me to success, where every step I take is part of the journey.

In this "no failure zone," no matter how hard I try to mess things up or to criticize myself for what I "coulda, shoulda, woulda" done, success is all there is.

How about you? What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?

Would you ask for the promotion or raise you know you deserve?
Would you run for office? Get a degree?
Learn a new language?
Learn to skydive, bellydance, paint or sail?
Would you get organized once and for all?
Would you make your own health and well-being a priority?

What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?

I'd love to hear from you.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Health Foundation of South Florida Grantee Awards

I'm thrilled to have been asked to speak at the annual Grantee Awards luncheon hosted by the Health Foundation of South Florida (HFSF). Steve Marcus, Shari Gantman and the team at HFSF do an incredible job running a top-notch organization supporting charitable, scientific and educational purposes to advance the health and well being of the people of Miami-Dade, Monroe and Broward Counties.

On Monday, April 23, HFSF will honor 22 nonprofit health organziations in South Florida that are the recipients of $2.8 million dollars in grants ranging from $25,000 to $310,000.

Organizations recently receiving funding include Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Miami, $25,000 to develop a healthy lifestyle promotion program; CHARLEE of Dade County, $70,000 to improve health care services management; Community Partnership for Homeless, $288,000 to support the operation of a mobile dental clinic and Creative Children Therapy, $43,000, to improve communications skills of disabled children.

In addition, the Public Health Trust/Jackson Health System, $ 232,000 to improve nursing care; South Florida Jail Ministries, $198,655 to enhance information technology system and the Theodore R. Gibson Memorial Fund, $25,000 to advocate for the health of at-risk seniors.

“Supporting the essential efforts of nonprofits working to improve the health of underserved individuals and families in South Florida is at the core our mission” said Health Foundation Chairman Sheldon D. Dagen, CPA. He added, “We are proud to partner with grantees in addressing community needs and ensuring that residents have opportunities for better health.”

As you can see, HFSF supports amazing efforts that contribute to helping many people improve their quality of life, make healthier choices and create a better world for all of us. Congratulations to all the Grantees! For a full listing of Grantees, visit the HFSF website at

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Motivated Monkey

I'm very excited to have been published in a fantastic new eco-project called The Motivated Monkey which is an uplifting collection of motivational tips, techniques and advice on how to get more motivation, achieve more and overcome procrastination. Best of all, 25% of all profits go to Save the Children.

I've contributed an article called,"Setting Sail to Your Destination," where I write about stepping into the unknown to try something new.

Other authors in the book are Jack Canfield, Steve Chandler, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy and my coach, Rachelle Disbennett-Lee.

As a personal recommendation from me you can claim a 10% discount on the price of the book; just follow the link below for your discount.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Smooth Sailing is named to "Top 100" Minority Businesses in South Florida

Smooth Sailing Business & Life Coaching has been named a "Top 100" Minority Business in South Florida by the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce.

Smooth Sailing, along with other "Top 100" finalists, was honored on March 29, 2007 at the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce "Top 100 Minority Business" Awards Luncheon.

The Chamber recognized area businesses owned by women and minorities that exhibit excellence in innovation, diversity, growth and citizenship. The awards program is designed to be inclusive of Miami's growing and diverse population and collectively celebrate all federally-defined minority businesses.

Find out more about Smooth Sailing Business & Life Coaching by clicking on this link

About Smooth Sailing
Smooth Sailing Business & Life Coaching is a Miami-based company dedicated to helping busy professionals achieve excellence and maximize their potential in today's fast-paced economic environment.

Through individual and group coaching programs, seminars and workshops, the Smooth Sailing team leads busy professionals to become more profitable and productive by capitalizing on their strengths, simplifying the busy-ness of their lives, and taking focused action to create powerful change.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Ready for a Balance Makeover?

Would you benefit from a Balance Makeover? Over the past few weeks, I've been working with Cindy Krischer- Goodman, writer for the Miami Herald, on her "Balance Makeover" contest . Cindy's "Balancing Act" column appears in the Herald on Wednesdays.

Cindy asked me to be a judge for the contest where winners would receive sessions with professionals to help them get organized and achieve work/life balance. Dozens of people - working mothers, traveling professionals, single parents, newlyweds, and even a busy 80 year old - entered the contest asking for help finding balance and making sense of the overwhelm they experience in their lives.

The winner of the life coaching session with me was Deborah Cabrera-Piquant who is an amazing, successful and very busy woman. Deborah is the VP of Finance for a large import firm, a wife and mother of 3 children (ages 18, 12 and 8 months!) - and a 10 year old step child. In addition to managing and caring for her family, she leads a team of 7 direct reports at her company and cares for her aging parents. Talk about needing a balance makeover! Deborah was ready.

Like many people, Deborah had fallen into a trap of trying to do everything herself, putting everyone else first and never quite getting to the things that are important to her like exercise, having a manicure and setting aside a few minutes to read or relax. She felt guilty about taking time for herself. Sound familiar?

How often do you struggle with making yourself a priority in the busy-ness of your daily life even though you know that when you take time for yourself, you are far more energized, happier and more productive? Sounds so easy, doesn't it? Yet, managing yourself is perhaps the most difficult work you'll ever do.

Would you benefit from a Balance Makeover? See details below to get started on your 90-Day Balance Makever Program designed to help you create balance and be more productive, effective and enjoy life more!

Sign up today for my 90-Day Balance Makeover 90-Day Program to help you do just that. You will receive:
  • Nine (9) 30-minute private coaching sessions
  • Coaching Notebook
  • And... you will receive a free gift, my Ten Top 10 Tips for Smooth Sailing to Success - that's 100 tips in all!

Special Balance Makeover Introductory Price: $997.

What is it worth to you to have more balance and enjoy life more? Call or email to learn more!

Coach Pat Morgan

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Karen Mitchell Going for the Gold!

I had the pleasure of hearing Karen Mitchell speak at last week's meeting of the Miami Shores Rotary Club. Many of you know that I have been a fan of Karen since meeting her a few years ago at Shake-A-Leg Miami, an organization that provides water sports and activities for people with disabilities.

Karen is an amazing athlete with a big goal. Her dream is to be the first female skipper to represent the USA and win the gold medal in the 2008 Paralympics Games. What a great goal! Based on her record, she is a strong contender to bring home the gold.

Her list of accomplishments is impressive. Here are just a few:

· Top Disabled Female Skipper in North America
· Six Time Winner of Gruson/Milam Trophy for Most Outstanding Female Skipper
· Four-Time Winner of Independence Cup/North American Challenge Cup, making US Sailing History for Winning Four Consecutive Years
· Three Time Winner of Shake A Leg Miami Midwinter Regatta
· Three Time Winner of CRAB Cup
· Awarded Best Female Sailor in Biscayne Bay
· First Disabled Skipper to Sail in the Rolex International Women’s Keelboat Championship and the J-22 World Championships, Key West Race Week & Miami Race Week in J-24
· Placed Fourth in the IFDS Two Person World Championships
· Only Woman to Win the Mobility Cup Single-Handedly

Karen is an amazing woman who has faced, and overcome, many obstacles in her life. From a diving accident at the age of nineteen, Karen sustained a spinal cord injury and became an incomplete quadriplegic. She is also a cancer survivor and, through it all, continues to courageously work toward her goal with unwavering faith. She is truly an inspiration.

Karen needs support in reaching her goal. As you may imagine, sailing is a sport that requires not only a boat, but also equipment and maintenance, just for starters. If you would like to learn more about Karen's exciting campaign and how you can be a part of her dream for Paralympic Gold, visit her website at

Oh, and if you are wondering... what are The Paralympic Games? They're the games, immediately following the Olympics, where the world's top disabled athletes gather to compete. The next games will be held in Beijing, China, September 6-17, 2008, with the Paralympic Regatta being sailed in Qingdao, a coastal city 430 miles east of Beijing.

Go, Karen!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Power of Networking

It was a nice surprise when I received the following article link from my friend, Ed Gorin, president of Gorin Communications and editor of Business Buzz at Ed is well-known in the Miami area for his informative, interesting and creative coverage of networking activities in the area. He attended the January meeting of the Miami-Dade Women's Chamber of Commerce (WCC) where I was the guest speaker.

Interestingly, a few months earlier Ed had introduced me to Tamara McKeown, President of WCC, who invited me to speak at the event. That's Tamara in the photo with me. See how networking works!

Networking has been a cornerstone of business development for me. It has fueled the growth of my company and opened incredible doors. It has provided a venue for meeting amazing and wonderful people, many who have become friends and clients through an initial introduction at a networking event. I can't imagine my life - or my business - had it not been for the power of networking.

A few things I've learned through my experience of networking...

Networking works, if you work it.
It is an art, not a science.
People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

How has networking worked for you? I'd love to hear your networking success stories and how you have used the power of networking to build a business, change your life, meet new friends. How has it worked for you?

Expect Success

Did you know that February is International Expect Success Month? What a great time to focus attention on the power of your expectations to create a successful outcome. Expecting success at the beginning of any endeavor not only makes you feel more energized, inspired and ready to take action, but also helps you attract the people, tools and resources you need to be successful.

As we discussed last Tuesday during Power Lunch with Pat, my monthly teleconference where I share tips and ideas for success, your thoughts and attitude shape the outcomes you produce. The universal "law of attraction" is at work all the time drawing to you what you think about and expect.

According to Jack Canfield in his bestseller, "The Success Principles," when you begin to believe that what you want is possible, your brain will actually take over the job of accomplishing that possibility for you."

If you want good things to happen, expect success and work like there is no other option. When you set out expecting success, you subconsciously strive even more to achieve your goals and dreams.

Why not celebrate International Expect Success Month by expecting more success in your life? Here are my tips to help you succeed.

1. Think success from the start. Why would you set a goal or plan to do something thinking about the reasons you will not be successful? Focus your thoughts on all the reasons you will succeed and watch your doubts fade away.

2. Set yourself up for success. Surround yourself with the people, tools and resources that you need to be successful. If your environments do not support you in accomplishing your goals, change them now.

3. Get into action. If you feel stuck and unable to get moving, focus on your most important goal first. Write out three action steps to help you clarify what you need to do next. Decide that you will do at least one thing every day for your goal.

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