Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Executive Coaching works!

"The executive support I received from Pat Morgan kept me on track and excited about implementing change both personally and organizationally. Her plan for success delivered weekly to my inbox kept me focused while the weekly calls of support were another component of her motivational strategy. I would recommend Pat to any business leader in need of executive coaching in order to re energize and redefine priorities.”

Mary Scott Russell, President & CEO
Chamber South

Empower Yourself for Success

The speed of change can make your head spin. In the past few weeks, we’ve watched the global economy tank, our savings disappear, and thousands of people lose their jobs. How can we prepare for change of this magnitude?

In a world that is changing more rapidly every day, it is now important than ever to take steps to empower yourself for the success you want in your career, your business and your personal life.

Dealing with change can be overwhelming. To be honest, it can be downright frightening. It’s been said that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. When confronted with the unknown, we often imagine the worst possible outcome without giving any thought to the best that could happen.

If you can stay calm, and channel your energy into positive outcomes, you will increase your odds of finding workable solutions to any situation to you are facing. Anxiety usually means that you don’t have a clear strategy to deal with your situation.

Andrew is a perfect example of a corporate executive experiencing major change in his career, and in his personal life. By the time we talked, he was immobilized by fear – fear of job loss as his company merged and restructured, fear of not finding another job, and fear of not being able to provide for his wife and three young children.

We began with a simple 3 part strategy to pull him out of the quagmire of anxiety and put him on a path to success. First, Andrew went to work on the obstacles that were holding him back. The most obvious blocks were annoyances that robbed his time and energy, and took up valuable space in his environment. He uncovered obstacles like clutter, unfinished tasks, an outdated resume, a nagging health issue, and his frustration over struggling to make ends meet.

Andrew wrote down everything he could think of that was blocking his progress. Then, for each obstacle, he identified an action step he would take to remove the block. As he dealt with the obstacles, he regained confidence and created more space, time and energy to embrace new opportunities.

The second step in our strategy was to outline a clear plan for daily action so that Andrew could see a path to his goal. It is easier to make progress when you have defined the specific steps you will take. His plan worked like a compass to keep him focused and on course.

Lastly, Andrew committed to take action. It’s great to have a plan, but if you never take a step forward you will never be successful. Andrew agreed to do at least one thing every day for his goal. Many people get stuck at this crucial step, letting their fear of the unknown stop them from moving forward. By taking daily action, you create momentum and positive energy that will move you forward.

Are you ready to empower yourself for success? Use the three keys that helped Andrew get back on track to empower himself for the future: 1) clear the obstacles 2) create a plan and 3) commit to daily action!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Does Your Company Rock?!

Have you ever noticed that there are companies that thrive regardless of whether the economy is strong or weak? What sets them apart? How are they able to sustain success and even prosper while other businesses struggle through an economic downturn?

Wilson Washburn & Forster (WWF) is a Miami firm specializing in commercial and personal insurance. It is a great example of a company that has continued to flourish during a challenging time. What have they done to make that happen?

For starters, they have excellent leadership. Tom Washburn, CEO, has taken a proactive approach to managing and developing his business by creating a clear strategy for growth and expansion with a focus on long-term results rather than on short-term market changes.

Tom’s strategy began with a written plan that has set the course for everything the company does. The plan has been essential for keeping the team focused and taking the steps that lead them to their goals.

Part of the plan targets professional development. Investing in training for the team sets WWF apart from competitors who often cut back on spending for employee development when times get tough.

“We consider coaching essential to what we do,” says Tom. “Our coaching program helps us to more effectively support our producers in staying on track to reach their goals.”

A top priority at WWF is customer service. Employees are on a first-name basis with customers and make it a point to actively communicate with larger customers as a value added service. The team works to earn the trust of their clients and to ensure customers understand their insurance programs.

What advice would Tom offer other business owners for weathering any economic downturn? “Get someone to talk to like a coach or mentor. Create a written plan. Then, work your plan. Communicate with customers, and be strategic about investing in your business.“

4 Keys to Building a Company that Rocks!
1. Leadership.
Companies that rock have visionary leaders that inspire their teams for peak performance. They clearly communicate the company vision and inspire employees to take ownership and get involved. They challenge their team to think creatively and to make their finest contributions.

2. Focus.
Companies that rock are clear about their core competency and stay true to it. They are disciplined about consistently doing the things that create success and that keep them on the path to success.

3. Training.
Companies that rock provide their employees with the training they need to excel. They typically have a culture of continuous learning that supports employees in their own professional development as well as in having the skills and knowledge needed for their job.

4. Adaptability.
Companies that rock are able to adapt to change. They expect the unexpected – everything from regulatory changes and natural disasters to increased competition and rising energy costs – and find ways to adapt. This adaptability gives them a clear advantage in the marketplace.

Would you like for your company to rock? Learn more about how Smooth Sailing may help you take your business to the next level.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Heart of a Woman in Business

Heart of a Woman in Business is an inspirational collection of stories, strategies and ideas to help working women everywhere. Written by teachers, coaches, experts, businesswomen, speakers, CEOs and others, it's a "here's how" book that combines insight with guidance, ideas, stories and encouragement.

I'm thrilled that two of my writings were selected for inclusion: You'll find my top tips for dealing with transition, "Are You Ready for a Change?" and my poem, "The Entrepreneur."

Heart of a Woman in Business is a 288-page 6"x7" gift book that retails for $16.95. Order directly from Sparkle Press, the publisher, or from

Monday, August 25, 2008

When You Are New, Be New!

When you are new at something, be new at it. Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? Think about the many times you have made a new start, perhaps it was a new job, a new hobby, a new activity or a new relationship. How many times have you had extremely high expectations for your performance, and then put undue pressure on yourself to be great from the get-go?

I started playing golf earlier this year. If you have ever tried the game, you understand what a humbling experience it is learning to hit a small round ball consistently. This seemingly easy game is one of the most challenging sports I’ve tried.

As you may imagine, I was anxious to jump into the game and to play like Tiger Woods. I quickly realized that was not likely to happen any time soon, and that rather than comparing myself to a champion golfer, I should accept that I was new and allow myself to be an awkward new golfer until I learned the game.
When you are new, you don’t have the knowledge or the experience to be a champion. That comes with intention, focus, dedication, and a lot of practice. When I relaxed into being new, I was able to enjoy golf more and look forward to going to the driving range to practice.

It’s the same in your career, your education, learning a new language or any other endeavor. I learned to speak Spanish when I came to Miami. In the beginning when it was new, it was slow-going. I desperately wanted to speak Spanish fluently and was often frustrated when it seemed I was getting nowhere. Once I gave myself permission to be new at speaking Spanish and relaxed into the process of learning, I began to enjoy it and have fun trying out new words and phrases, practicing everywhere I went.

Is there an area of your life where you are new and need to give yourself permission to just be new? Do you need to appreciate yourself for trying something new? Do you need to be more patient as you grow and gain the knowledge and experience for the job, task or undertaking?
Here are my top three tips for being new:

1. Relax. Everyone is new at something. The more you can take the pressure off yourself to be perfect, the more you will improve and enjoy the process. Watch how quickly things begin to change when you allow yourself to relax into being new.

2. Appreciate. Say “thank you” to yourself for having the courage to try something new. Express gratitude for your progress, no matter how small it seems. Appreciate those who help you along the way.

3. Celebrate. Trying something new requires energy and effort. Be sure to reward yourself regularly and celebrate your success often. Find the joy in being new!

Are You Ready to Make a Change?

Pat Morgan is published in Heart of a Woman in Business.

Stories, Strategies and Skills for Success. The book loaded with all original stories, poems and quotations, for encouragement, igniting the spark, feeling the passion for today’s woman in the workplace.

Are You Ready to Make a Change? by Pat Morgan.

Don't miss this inspiring new book by Sheryl Roush!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Entrepreneur

Below is my poem, The Entreprenuer, which I wrote several years ago for one of my coaching classes on working with Entrepreneurs.

It has been published in Heart of a Woman in Business by my friend and fellow coach, Sheryl Roush.

The Entrepreneur

I used to spend a lot of time trying to impress,
Little did I realize how it added to my stress.

My zealousness for business and my desire to succeed,
Led me at times to stretch the truth, exaggerate, mislead.

Name-dropping, bragging or a little white lie,
It’s harmless I’d say, I must impress, or at least try.

My home is the biggest, I make lots of money,
My spouse the most wonderful, my world is sunny.

Look at me! Look at me! Do you think I’m great?
I’m not quite sure, how do I rate?

Later I’d lament that all was not well,
What in the world was I trying to sell?

It was then that I learned as I worked with my coach,
That perhaps what I needed was an adjusted approach.

Be humble, speak the truth, understate, promise less,
This new way of thinking would be key to success.

As I shifted my focus and turned inward to grow,
I discovered the truth that I had longed to know.

I’m truly enough, just as I am, being me
No exaggeration necessary, WOW, I feel free!

Go for the Gold!

The Games are about to begin! In just days, we will once again be mesmerized by the talent, dedication and teamwork exhibited by the top athletes of the world. Their prowess and agility will be dominating our TV screens during the spectacular events and competition of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

The Olympic Games always generate interest and excitement as the media buzzes with reports on the athletes, the events and the preparations that go into making the Olympics a reality. Like many of you, I love watching the Olympics. I especially enjoy the segments featuring the personal stories of the athletes. Listening to their amazing stories of dedication, focus, passion, investment and commitment to their dream is truly an inspiration to me. I am awed and inspired by the effort, energy and time that they dedicate to their goal.

The Olympic Games remind us of the incredible ability we possess as human beings to set a goal and pursue it. We watch athletes who have made great sacrifices to follow their dreams. Most of them were not born super athletes, but have developed themselves to play their best game. Most are ordinary people with extraordinary dreams. They have the courage to risk the unknown, even the agony of defeat, in pursuit of their dream of victory.

No matter how good your game, there is always room for improvement. Olympic records continue to be shattered regularly. Most athletes train with a coach who helps them to develop and perfect their game. Their coach helps them play to their strengths, refine their strategy, hone their skills and stay focused and motivated. The coach challenges the athlete to move beyond perceived limitations so they can step into their greatness.

As a Professional Coach, I work with my clients in much the same way, helping them develop and perfect their game in business and in life. Why not give yourself the opportunity to work with a coach to help you take your game to the next level – and maybe even go for the Gold!

Tips for Going for the Gold.....
1. IDENTIFY YOUR STRENGTHS. Knowing your strengths and how to capitalize on them can make the difference between success and failure. We often focus on our weaknesses, working hard to make improvements. Try focusing more attention on your strengths instead and look for ways to employ your strong suit to move you forward. Ask yourself: What are my strengths?

2. CLARIFY YOUR GOALS. Get clear on what game you are playing and what you want to accomplish. Understand why the goal is important to you and which of your personal values it aligns with. Know what is required to reach your goal. The more clarity you can get around the goal, the easier it will be to get started moving toward it. Ask yourself: What do I most want to achieve?

3. WORK WITH A COACH. Give yourself the benefit of having a success partner to help you achieve your goal. Free yourself up to play your best game by enlisting the help of a coach who can guide, support and challenge you to give your best performance every day. Ask yourself: What is possible for me with the help of a coach?

Keep your eye on the prize! Go for the Gold!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Set Yourself Up for Success

Have your ever noticed how much easier it is to accomplish a task or reach a goal when you have prepared ahead of time? It’s amazing how much more motivated we are to get started knowing that we have prepared beforehand. Why is it, then that we fail to prepare? Why do we take the hard route when we could have gone smooth sailing with just a little preparation?

Reaching your goals and living your best life doesn’t have to be a struggle. Setting up for success is the result of daily preparation. Taking time every day to strengthen your personal foundation and develop healthy habits gives you a distinct advantage on the path to success. When you invest in creating structure and exercising daily discipline, your chances for success dramatically improve.

Professional athletes understand the importance of preparation. They set themselves up for success by getting the best equipment for their sport, establishing a workout plan and hiring a coach that brings out their best performance.

The same principles apply in business and life. Are you ready for success? What do you need to do to set yourself up for success? Wouldn’t now be a good time to give yourself the edge you need to make your goals and dreams a reality?

1. Clear obstacles. Identify blocks and write them down so that you can see what needs to be handled. Then, make requests and take action to clear them so that they stop draining time and energy.

2. Say “yes” to yourself. Make your self-care a priority. Put yourself on the schedule everyday and make sure that you treat yourself to something that inspires you. Look for ways to outsource, delegate, eliminate or automate routine tasks that are taking valuable time and energy.

3. Change your environments. Make changes to create a more inspiring space. Rearrange your furniture or accessories, de-clutter and get organized to give your space a lift.

4. Create a plan. Having a plan will help keep you on course amidst all the distractions that otherwise pull you away from success. Determine what actions are necessary to take you to success.

5. Get the right people on board. Surround yourself with people who support you and help you succeed. Have an accountability partner or hire a coach to keep you in action toward your goals.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Success Made Easy!

Stay tuned for Success Made Easy!

On March 10, Kent Crook and I will launch our radio program on WKAT 1360. We have an energetic action packed program planned to help you achieve your goals and dreams. You will hear from leading experts, authors and business leaders and learn their secrets for success. Set your dial to WKAT 1360 Monday mornings at 11am beginning March 10 for tips and ideas to help you reach your most important goals and dreams. We’re here to help you succeed!

Smooth Sailing Named a Top 100 Minority Business

Smooth Sailing Executive & Life Coaching has been named a "Top 100 Minority Business in South Florida" by the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce.

Smooth Sailing, along with other "Top 100" finalists, will be honored on March 18, 2008 at the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce "Top 100 Minority Business Awards" Luncheon.

The Chamber recognized area businesses owned by women and minorities that exhibit excellence in innovation, diversity, growth and citizenship. The awards program is designed to be inclusive of Miami's growing and diverse population and collectively celebrate all federally-defined minority businesses.

About Smooth Sailing
Smooth Sailing Executive & Life Coaching is a Miami-based company dedicated to helping busy professionals achieve excellence and maximize their potential in today's fast-paced economic environment.

Through individual and group coaching programs, seminars and workshops, the Smooth Sailing team leads busy professionals to become more profitable and productive by capitalizing on their strengths, simplifying the busy-ness of their lives, and taking focused action to create powerful change.

Think Your Way to Success

Everything begins with a thought. This newsletter began with a thought. Your computer began with a thought. The home you live in began with a thought. Everything begins with a thought.

Knowing that everything begins with a thought, and that you are a person who thinks, it logically follows that we have the ability to change our lives, our careers and our circumstances if we are open to changing out thoughts.

Did you know that what you think about expands, attracting to you what you think about most? Fear thoughts produce more fear. Happy thoughts produce more happiness. Abundant thoughts create more abundance.

Mahatma Ghandi has said, “Man is a product of his thoughts. What he thinks about, he becomes.”

What would you like to become? By shifting your thinking to new levels of possibility, you will begin to see your life changing. You are the only person who can control your thoughts so why not begin right now to think your way to success? Try these tips:

Stop complaining. For the next week, notice when you are complaining. Every time you find yourself finding fault or being judgmental about anything, including yourself, stop immediately and change your thought. If you want to have some fun with this exercise, find a “no-complaint” partner to keep you accountable or start a “possibility jar” and put in $1 every time you complain. Ask yourself: Am I ready to stop complaining?

Think Possibility. Look for opportunities and ways to make things work. They exist if you are open to them. Is there something you could do to add value for customers? A new organization you could join to grow your network? A business partner you may develop as a referral source? Ask yourself: What is one opportunity available to me right now?

Think Preparation. Hope is not a strategy. Rather than sitting around hoping things will change, decide that you will commit to doing something different in order to create different results in your life, your relationships or your career. As yourself: What is one thing I can do today to prepare for success?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Your Success Plan for a Slow Economy

I've been invited to speak for the Pinecrest Business Association at their monthly meeting. Join me to learn how to thrive during challenging economic times.

"Your Success Plan for a Slow Economy"

* Clarify your vision
* Bullet-proof your strategy
* Build a winning team
* Get into action!

When: Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Where: Evelyn Greer Park, 8200 SW 124th Street, Pinecrest FL

To reserve your seat, email Eladio at Eladio@PinecrestBusiness.Com now!

Look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Power Up with Power Lunch!

Mark your calendar for Power Lunch on February 12 for tips and ideas to help you:

- Clear your course
- Stay focused for success
- Go for your goals!

It's easy to attend! Power Lunch meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month via teleconference. Power Lunch is complimentary, however reservations are required.

Send an e-mail to with Power Lunch in the subject line to receive call-in instructions.

Date: February 12, 2008
Time: 12:00 - 12:30pm

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Expect Success!

Did you know that February is International Expect Success Month? What a great time to focus on the power of your expectations to create a successful outcome.

No matter what you’re attempting – whether running for President, playing in the Super Bowl, making a career change, dealing with a difficult co-worker or beginning an exercise program, your expectation at the outset has a significant impact on how you play the game - and on how you finish.

Expecting success not only makes you feel more energized, inspired and ready to take action, but also helps you attract the people, tools and resources you need to be successful.

Your thoughts and attitude shape the outcomes you produce. You attract what you think about most and then create more of it. The law of attraction is always at work drawing to you what you focus on and expect.

I recently started golf lessons. I expect that I will eventually become a fairly good golfer even though there is little outward evidence to substantiate my expectation at the moment. Interestingly, I have begun attracting people who want to support me by getting me on the course to practice, lending me equipment, and encouraging me to stay in the game. I expect that with a positive attitude, the help of my instructor and friends, along with focus, determination and practice, I will succeed.

According to Jack Canfield in his bestseller, "The Success Principles," when you begin to believe that what you want is possible, your brain will actually take over the job of accomplishing that possibility for you." If you want good things to happen, expect success and work like there is no other option. When you set out expecting success, you subconsciously strive even more to achieve your goals and dreams.

Why not expect to succeed and believe that you will achieve the desired result? Celebrate International Expect Success Month by expecting more success in your life, in your business and your relationships!

Here are my tips to help you succeed.

1. Think success from the start. Why would you set a goal or plan to do something thinking about the reasons you will not be successful? Focus your thoughts on all the reasons you will succeed and watch your doubts fade away.

2. Set yourself up for success. Surround yourself with the people, tools and resources that you need to be successful. If your environments do not support you in accomplishing your goals, change them now.

3. Get into action. If you feel stuck and unable to get moving, focus on your most important goal first. Write out three action steps to help you clarify what you need to do next. Decide that you will do at least one thing every day for your goal.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Success is a Decision

What do you really want? This was the question was posed to me by my first coach, Laura, several years ago. It seems like such a simple question, yet I remember wondering to myself, “why am I having such a hard time coming up with an answer?”

It wasn’t that I didn’t know what I wanted. Of course, I wanted to be happy, make lots of money, be my own boss and travel the world. Like many people, I thought I knew what I wanted. I was having some success and enjoying a good life. Yet I quickly learned from that simple question that I wasn’t truly clear about what success meant to me.

Laura helped me describe my dreams and goals in vivid detail. I discovered that being my own boss meant starting my own consulting business and training to become a coach. I got clear about how much money I wanted to make and ways I could create it. I defined my ideal lifestyle, relationships and home. As I worked with Laura, I began to clarify what I really wanted and things started to shift in amazing ways. My bank account grew, I started my own company, I was less stressed, more relaxed and having more fun.

One of the most important discoveries I made is that success is a decision. Once I understood that, I realized that I could make new decisions that would take me to my goals and dreams.

What do you want? Have you clarified what success means for you? Here are 3 tips to help:

1. Decide to take 100% responsibility for your success
There is only one person in the world responsible for the quality of life you live – you! Taking responsibility means letting go of excuse-making, victim stories and blaming outside circumstances. Empower yourself by deciding to be the architect of your life and taking full responsibility for your outcomes.

2. Decide what you want.

There is power in clarifying what you want. Most people get stuck at this first step because they simply can't see how it's possible to get what they want. Because they can’t see how, they end of up talking themselves out of their dream before they even start. Trust you will know how once you are clear about what you want.

3. Decide to take action.
Take the first step, and then take one more. Getting into action creates momentum that propels you toward your goal. Decide that you will do one thing every day for your dream.

Success is a decision. Make the decision today to live your best life now!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Make 2008 the year you go for it!

I'm happy to be a contributor to Community Newspapers Pinecrest Tribune. You'll find my article on the front page at
Why not make 2008 the year you go for it!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I love the beginning of the new year. As I was out running this morning, I passed a couple shooting photos of the bay. The street I live on is undoubtedly one of the top spots in Miami for photos. Nearly everyday, I see visitors stopping as they drive through the area to snap a photo of the beautiful view we enjoy.

I hope I never lose the feeling of awe and appreciation for this paradise we call home. Having lived in a landlocked part of the country most of my life, I enjoy every day here in the warm, sunny (yes, often humid) tropical paradise. Many people save all year to vacation here for just a few days. I feel lucky to live here.

Wishing you a bright 2008! Happy New Year!