Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Success is a Decision

What do you really want? This was the question was posed to me by my first coach, Laura, several years ago. It seems like such a simple question, yet I remember wondering to myself, “why am I having such a hard time coming up with an answer?”

It wasn’t that I didn’t know what I wanted. Of course, I wanted to be happy, make lots of money, be my own boss and travel the world. Like many people, I thought I knew what I wanted. I was having some success and enjoying a good life. Yet I quickly learned from that simple question that I wasn’t truly clear about what success meant to me.

Laura helped me describe my dreams and goals in vivid detail. I discovered that being my own boss meant starting my own consulting business and training to become a coach. I got clear about how much money I wanted to make and ways I could create it. I defined my ideal lifestyle, relationships and home. As I worked with Laura, I began to clarify what I really wanted and things started to shift in amazing ways. My bank account grew, I started my own company, I was less stressed, more relaxed and having more fun.

One of the most important discoveries I made is that success is a decision. Once I understood that, I realized that I could make new decisions that would take me to my goals and dreams.

What do you want? Have you clarified what success means for you? Here are 3 tips to help:

1. Decide to take 100% responsibility for your success
There is only one person in the world responsible for the quality of life you live – you! Taking responsibility means letting go of excuse-making, victim stories and blaming outside circumstances. Empower yourself by deciding to be the architect of your life and taking full responsibility for your outcomes.

2. Decide what you want.

There is power in clarifying what you want. Most people get stuck at this first step because they simply can't see how it's possible to get what they want. Because they can’t see how, they end of up talking themselves out of their dream before they even start. Trust you will know how once you are clear about what you want.

3. Decide to take action.
Take the first step, and then take one more. Getting into action creates momentum that propels you toward your goal. Decide that you will do one thing every day for your dream.

Success is a decision. Make the decision today to live your best life now!

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