Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ready to Re-Start?

It is hard to believe it is June already and summer is beginning. It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating the holidays and toasting the beginning of 2011. Now is a good time to check in to see how you are doing with your goals and resolutions.

Have you made the progress you intended so far? Are you feeling proud of your accomplishments and great about the goals you are working toward? Or do you need to refocus and recommit to achieving your goals and keeping those New Year's resolutions?

Rather than punish yourself if you've fallen short of your own expectations, now is a good time to assess where you are and course correct so that you are on track as you go forward. It's not too late to get started making your goals a reality. What is one thing you can do today?

1. Set goals. What do you want? What are your goals? List 50 things you would like to be, do and have in the next 5 years. Clearly define, in as much detail as possible, exactly what they look like. It is hard to hit a goal you can’t see. Ask yourself: What do I want?

2. Believe. Without belief, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to make progress. Take time to think about your goal and visualize yourself having already achieved it. Start feeling and acting as if the goal has already been reached, and then just do what it takes to finish it. Ask yourself: Do I believe I can reach my goals?

3. Connect with your goals. It is easy to lose sight of your goals if you don't make a conscious effort to keep them in front of you. Write your goals down and then post them where you will see them every day - on your desk, on the bathroom mirror, on a whiteboard or wherever you will see them and be reminded of what you want to accomplish. Ask yourself: Where will I post my goals to keep them in sight?

4. Create daily success habits. Eliminate the consequences of non-performance and focus on daily action instead. Get your energy from taking action rather than measuring up to the goal. If you need some help getting into action, consider hiring a coach to help you make it happen. Ask yourself: What action will I take now toward my goal?

Contact me to schedule a 30-minute Discovery session and learn how to re-start for success!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Get Luckier!

Happy St. Pat’s Day! It’s that time of year when we celebrate the “luck of the Irish” and the magic of spring. What a great time to think about how to be luckier in life and create more of what you want.

Did you know there are things you can do to increase your odds for luck?

Being lucky starts with your state of mind. Research has found that people who think they are lucky tend to have more luck in their life. They have a lucky mindset and think about possibilities rather than problems. As a result, they are more open and receptive to luck.

Being prepared helps, too. A wise person once said, “Luck is where opportunity and preparedness meet.” Being ready for success when a door opens will empower you to step in and try something different.

If you want more luck in reaching your goals, here’s a way to have a 95% chance of success. According to researchers at BYU, the probability of achieving a goal if:
• You hear an idea is 10%
• You hear an idea and set a deadline to reach it, odds go to 40%
• You hear an idea, set a deadline and outline a plan, you have a 50% chance for success
• You do all of the above plus commit to someone else that you will accomplish your goal, your probability for success increases to 65%
• You do the above and set a specific accountability appointment with the person you have committed to, your chance for success skyrockets to 95%!
Are you ready to be luckier in life and business? Call me to schedule your 30-minute complimentary Discovery Session and start now to create more luck in your life!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Coach Morgan articles in Community Newspapers

Watch for my articles in Community Newspapers where I will regularly be sharing tips and ideas for success! My first article, “Ready for Networking Success?” is on page 22 of the Pinecrest edition March 14 issue.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today at 5pm EST B2B Internet Radio!

Wednesday February 9, 2011, 5pm EST
Miami Internet Radio Business Program

Join host, Ralph Geronimo, and me on the Internet Business Program, a radio broadcast with tips and ideas for busy professionals.

For details,

Run with Purpose

Sunday was the ING Marathon in Miami. As I walked to the gym for my workout, I was inspired by the runners on their way to the finish line just a little over a mile away. Some were trudging, some walking, but the majority were still running toward their goal.

As I cheered the runners on, I couldn’t help but think about the hours and days and weeks of preparation that had gone into making the incredible experience a reality for each of them.

I thought about what it takes to be successful in running a marathon. It begins with a decision to go for a big goal, like running 26.2 miles! Once the goal is clearly defined, then you have to create a plan that outlines the steps you will take to reach the goal. And, most importantly, it takes commitment to the dream which includes consistent, persistent effort on a daily basis.

Success in any endeavor is the same process. One of my big goals for this year is to help educate a child by focusing my running for the next 5 months on a program called “Run for Malawi.” I am partnering with Nu Skin Enterprises to provide scholarships for children in Malawi, Africa so that they have the opportunity to receive an education. For every 1,000 miles, Nu Skin will provide one scholarship that includes room & board.

My friend, Dr. Jacque Russo, and I are committed to at least one scholarship and we need your help! If you run or walk – or would like to start now – every mile will contribute to educating a child. Will you join us in reaching this big goal? For details, email me at

Tips for Success in Reaching a BIG goal:

1. Decide.
Make a decision about what you want and set a clearly defined goal. Ask yourself: What do I want?

2. Commit.
Make a commitment to your success by defining a plan and action steps you can follow to reach your goal. It will be easier to stay on track if you are clear on the steps you must take. Ask yourself: Am I fully committed to reaching my goal?

3. Take action.
Be in action and do something every day for your goal. Ask yourself: What will I do now for my dream?

4. Partner.
Success is easier and more fun when you have someone to share the journey. Ask yourself: Who will be my success partner in reaching my goal?

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.”
-- Abraham Lincoln