Sunday, August 3, 2008

Go for the Gold!

The Games are about to begin! In just days, we will once again be mesmerized by the talent, dedication and teamwork exhibited by the top athletes of the world. Their prowess and agility will be dominating our TV screens during the spectacular events and competition of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

The Olympic Games always generate interest and excitement as the media buzzes with reports on the athletes, the events and the preparations that go into making the Olympics a reality. Like many of you, I love watching the Olympics. I especially enjoy the segments featuring the personal stories of the athletes. Listening to their amazing stories of dedication, focus, passion, investment and commitment to their dream is truly an inspiration to me. I am awed and inspired by the effort, energy and time that they dedicate to their goal.

The Olympic Games remind us of the incredible ability we possess as human beings to set a goal and pursue it. We watch athletes who have made great sacrifices to follow their dreams. Most of them were not born super athletes, but have developed themselves to play their best game. Most are ordinary people with extraordinary dreams. They have the courage to risk the unknown, even the agony of defeat, in pursuit of their dream of victory.

No matter how good your game, there is always room for improvement. Olympic records continue to be shattered regularly. Most athletes train with a coach who helps them to develop and perfect their game. Their coach helps them play to their strengths, refine their strategy, hone their skills and stay focused and motivated. The coach challenges the athlete to move beyond perceived limitations so they can step into their greatness.

As a Professional Coach, I work with my clients in much the same way, helping them develop and perfect their game in business and in life. Why not give yourself the opportunity to work with a coach to help you take your game to the next level – and maybe even go for the Gold!

Tips for Going for the Gold.....
1. IDENTIFY YOUR STRENGTHS. Knowing your strengths and how to capitalize on them can make the difference between success and failure. We often focus on our weaknesses, working hard to make improvements. Try focusing more attention on your strengths instead and look for ways to employ your strong suit to move you forward. Ask yourself: What are my strengths?

2. CLARIFY YOUR GOALS. Get clear on what game you are playing and what you want to accomplish. Understand why the goal is important to you and which of your personal values it aligns with. Know what is required to reach your goal. The more clarity you can get around the goal, the easier it will be to get started moving toward it. Ask yourself: What do I most want to achieve?

3. WORK WITH A COACH. Give yourself the benefit of having a success partner to help you achieve your goal. Free yourself up to play your best game by enlisting the help of a coach who can guide, support and challenge you to give your best performance every day. Ask yourself: What is possible for me with the help of a coach?

Keep your eye on the prize! Go for the Gold!

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