Monday, August 25, 2008

When You Are New, Be New!

When you are new at something, be new at it. Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? Think about the many times you have made a new start, perhaps it was a new job, a new hobby, a new activity or a new relationship. How many times have you had extremely high expectations for your performance, and then put undue pressure on yourself to be great from the get-go?

I started playing golf earlier this year. If you have ever tried the game, you understand what a humbling experience it is learning to hit a small round ball consistently. This seemingly easy game is one of the most challenging sports I’ve tried.

As you may imagine, I was anxious to jump into the game and to play like Tiger Woods. I quickly realized that was not likely to happen any time soon, and that rather than comparing myself to a champion golfer, I should accept that I was new and allow myself to be an awkward new golfer until I learned the game.
When you are new, you don’t have the knowledge or the experience to be a champion. That comes with intention, focus, dedication, and a lot of practice. When I relaxed into being new, I was able to enjoy golf more and look forward to going to the driving range to practice.

It’s the same in your career, your education, learning a new language or any other endeavor. I learned to speak Spanish when I came to Miami. In the beginning when it was new, it was slow-going. I desperately wanted to speak Spanish fluently and was often frustrated when it seemed I was getting nowhere. Once I gave myself permission to be new at speaking Spanish and relaxed into the process of learning, I began to enjoy it and have fun trying out new words and phrases, practicing everywhere I went.

Is there an area of your life where you are new and need to give yourself permission to just be new? Do you need to appreciate yourself for trying something new? Do you need to be more patient as you grow and gain the knowledge and experience for the job, task or undertaking?
Here are my top three tips for being new:

1. Relax. Everyone is new at something. The more you can take the pressure off yourself to be perfect, the more you will improve and enjoy the process. Watch how quickly things begin to change when you allow yourself to relax into being new.

2. Appreciate. Say “thank you” to yourself for having the courage to try something new. Express gratitude for your progress, no matter how small it seems. Appreciate those who help you along the way.

3. Celebrate. Trying something new requires energy and effort. Be sure to reward yourself regularly and celebrate your success often. Find the joy in being new!

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