Saturday, March 1, 2008

Think Your Way to Success

Everything begins with a thought. This newsletter began with a thought. Your computer began with a thought. The home you live in began with a thought. Everything begins with a thought.

Knowing that everything begins with a thought, and that you are a person who thinks, it logically follows that we have the ability to change our lives, our careers and our circumstances if we are open to changing out thoughts.

Did you know that what you think about expands, attracting to you what you think about most? Fear thoughts produce more fear. Happy thoughts produce more happiness. Abundant thoughts create more abundance.

Mahatma Ghandi has said, “Man is a product of his thoughts. What he thinks about, he becomes.”

What would you like to become? By shifting your thinking to new levels of possibility, you will begin to see your life changing. You are the only person who can control your thoughts so why not begin right now to think your way to success? Try these tips:

Stop complaining. For the next week, notice when you are complaining. Every time you find yourself finding fault or being judgmental about anything, including yourself, stop immediately and change your thought. If you want to have some fun with this exercise, find a “no-complaint” partner to keep you accountable or start a “possibility jar” and put in $1 every time you complain. Ask yourself: Am I ready to stop complaining?

Think Possibility. Look for opportunities and ways to make things work. They exist if you are open to them. Is there something you could do to add value for customers? A new organization you could join to grow your network? A business partner you may develop as a referral source? Ask yourself: What is one opportunity available to me right now?

Think Preparation. Hope is not a strategy. Rather than sitting around hoping things will change, decide that you will commit to doing something different in order to create different results in your life, your relationships or your career. As yourself: What is one thing I can do today to prepare for success?

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