Monday, March 12, 2007

Ready for a Balance Makeover?

Would you benefit from a Balance Makeover? Over the past few weeks, I've been working with Cindy Krischer- Goodman, writer for the Miami Herald, on her "Balance Makeover" contest . Cindy's "Balancing Act" column appears in the Herald on Wednesdays.

Cindy asked me to be a judge for the contest where winners would receive sessions with professionals to help them get organized and achieve work/life balance. Dozens of people - working mothers, traveling professionals, single parents, newlyweds, and even a busy 80 year old - entered the contest asking for help finding balance and making sense of the overwhelm they experience in their lives.

The winner of the life coaching session with me was Deborah Cabrera-Piquant who is an amazing, successful and very busy woman. Deborah is the VP of Finance for a large import firm, a wife and mother of 3 children (ages 18, 12 and 8 months!) - and a 10 year old step child. In addition to managing and caring for her family, she leads a team of 7 direct reports at her company and cares for her aging parents. Talk about needing a balance makeover! Deborah was ready.

Like many people, Deborah had fallen into a trap of trying to do everything herself, putting everyone else first and never quite getting to the things that are important to her like exercise, having a manicure and setting aside a few minutes to read or relax. She felt guilty about taking time for herself. Sound familiar?

How often do you struggle with making yourself a priority in the busy-ness of your daily life even though you know that when you take time for yourself, you are far more energized, happier and more productive? Sounds so easy, doesn't it? Yet, managing yourself is perhaps the most difficult work you'll ever do.

Would you benefit from a Balance Makeover? See details below to get started on your 90-Day Balance Makever Program designed to help you create balance and be more productive, effective and enjoy life more!

Sign up today for my 90-Day Balance Makeover 90-Day Program to help you do just that. You will receive:
  • Nine (9) 30-minute private coaching sessions
  • Coaching Notebook
  • And... you will receive a free gift, my Ten Top 10 Tips for Smooth Sailing to Success - that's 100 tips in all!

Special Balance Makeover Introductory Price: $997.

What is it worth to you to have more balance and enjoy life more? Call or email to learn more!

Coach Pat Morgan

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