Sunday, July 1, 2007

Financial Freedom: Use Money to Create a Life You Love

It can be difficult to create a life you truly love without the financial resources to support you. I've always viewed money as a tool that gives me options. In my experience of having money and not having money, I prefer to have it. It allows me the freedom to make choices that are not available without it - to do things like... send a child to camp, provide care for my ailing Mother, give to my community, and to my favorite causes - just for starters.

I recently had the opportunity to chat with Ellen Siegel of Siegel Planners about financial freedom. Ellen and I met a few months ago at the Women's Chamber of Commerce where I was the guest speaker. We had one of those wonderful "instant" connections that only happen occasionally. Click here to listen to Ellen's sage advice on how to use your money to create the life you want. Visit her on the web at

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