Sunday, September 30, 2007

Leading Through Change

Are you facing the challenge to lead your organization through change? Is change disrupting workflow and distracting you from reaching your most important goals? Are you searching for answers to get you through a transition?

In the fast-paced business environment we live and work in today, it seems almost everyone is dealing with some sort of change nearly all the time.

According to well-known author and management consultant, Peter Drucker, “change is the norm, and unless an organization sees that its task is to lead change, that organization--whether a business, a university, or a hospital--will not survive in the 21st-century.”

Change is a constant. Learning how to lead change in ways that minimize disruption and keep the organization on course will set you apart as “change leaders. “

Research has shown that the most difficult part of change is dealing with the fear and anxiety it inevitably creates. Managing change is central to effective leadership. Rather than allow fear and angst to take control, why not pro-actively manage change?

People need an anchor to keep them steady during times of change and uncertainty. They naturally look to their leaders to help them make sense of change and understand how to handle it.

Leading through change can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be a struggle.Here are three tips to help you “lead through change” and guide your organization successfully through transition.

1. Develop a Change Management Plan. Where do you see yourself once the change has become a reality? Get clear on your desired outcome and what you need to make it happen. Develop a plan to use as your roadmap and guide. Ask yourself: Do I have a clearly defined plan?

2. Communication is key. Keep the lines of communication open. Communicate often to keep employees up to date on changes that are occurring. Provide forums, such as “all hands” meetings or a suggestion box, where they may ask questions and voice their concerns. Ask yourself: How will I communicate the change to our team?

3. Promote Teamwork. Creative a positive environment that encourages teamwork and facilitates problem-solving. Unite the team around a shared vision for the future and involve people in the process. Ask yourself: What can I do today to promote teamwork?

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