Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Power of Networking

It was a nice surprise when I received the following article link from my friend, Ed Gorin, president of Gorin Communications and editor of Business Buzz at http://www.miamibusinessgroups.com/. Ed is well-known in the Miami area for his informative, interesting and creative coverage of networking activities in the area. He attended the January meeting of the Miami-Dade Women's Chamber of Commerce (WCC) where I was the guest speaker.

Interestingly, a few months earlier Ed had introduced me to Tamara McKeown, President of WCC, who invited me to speak at the event. That's Tamara in the photo with me. See how networking works!

Networking has been a cornerstone of business development for me. It has fueled the growth of my company and opened incredible doors. It has provided a venue for meeting amazing and wonderful people, many who have become friends and clients through an initial introduction at a networking event. I can't imagine my life - or my business - had it not been for the power of networking.

A few things I've learned through my experience of networking...

Networking works, if you work it.
It is an art, not a science.
People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

How has networking worked for you? I'd love to hear your networking success stories and how you have used the power of networking to build a business, change your life, meet new friends. How has it worked for you?

1 comment:

anthony said...

Hi Pat,,,I believe I am blogging,,,networking stories are a good topic,,they lead to more networking.
For example,,my newworking with you has resulted in networking with Karen Mitchell and that leading to Rotary ,,,my cousin in NY and my awareness of the Paralympics,,,even going back to your presenting to Rotary which lead me to meet you and get coaching advice which I have passed on to several colleagues,that is just the start
bye for now,