Monday, December 10, 2007

The Power of Appreciation

One of my favorite authors and speakers, Dr. Wayne Dyer, has said, "The secret of abundance is to stop focusing on what you do not have, and shift your consciousness to an appreciation of all that you are and all that you do have."

Reading Dr. Dyer’s words caused me to think about how often we tend to focus on what is lacking in our lives. On a daily basis, we are bombarded with messages reminding of us of what is missing. From songs that drone on about lost love to advertisements that remind us that we aren’t good-looking enough, healthy enough or smart enough, the stream of lack consciousness seems never-ending.

You only have to listen to our daily chatter for a few minutes to hear the focus on lack. For example, how many times do you hear people say things like, I didn't get enough sleep, I don't have the energy, I don't have enough time, I don't have enough money, I don't have enough __________ (just fill in the blank) confidence, help, appreciation, talent, education, and on and on and on. What we focus on expands and we create more of it with our thoughts and words. If we’re not careful, we may miss the richness and goodness that we have as a result.

What could our world look like if we shifted our focus to what we have instead of what we lack? Try these tips for expressing gratitude and see what magic you create.

1. Look for the good in others. It is not always easy to find the good in another person. However, it is there if you look for it. Focusing on what is good will help you recognize the goodness that is happening around you as well as find ways to acknowledge the good in others. Ask yourself: What do I see that is good?

2. Express gratitude to others often. Say "thank you" to others at every opportunity. People never tire of hearing words of sincere appreciation. Hand-written notes are nearly a thing of the past, but are so appreciated. Take a few minutes at the end of each week to hand- write a "thank you" note to a customer, a friend, an employee or someone you appreciate. Ask yourself: Have I said "thank you" today?

3. Take time to appreciate yourself. Don't wait for others to acknowledge you. Allow yourself to reflect on your actions and accomplishments at the end of each day and truly appreciate yourself. You deserve it! You may feel uncomfortable at first. Try easing into self-appreciation by writing down 5 things you are proud of each evening before falling asleep. Ask yourself: What do I appreciate about myself today?

4. Begin the day with an attitude of gratitude. There is so much to be grateful for if you choose to focus on it. As you continue with this exercise on a daily basis, you will begin to notice that being grateful opens the possibility for increased blessing and goodness in your life. Ask yourself: What will I appreciate today?

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