Monday, July 20, 2009

Are you getting in the way of your success?

Step aside and let success find you. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Often, the biggest roadblock to your success is you. As much as we would like to point to something or someone else for our failure and inability to achieve our most cherished goals, at the end of the day there is really only one place to look if you want to break free and create your best life now.

When you are blaming people or circumstances outside yourself, you become a victim, powerless to make changes that will improve your life. Taking responsibility for your success puts you in the driver’s seat where you can then take action from an empowered position.

Karen is an excellent example of someone standing in the way of her own success. A talented, successful pharmaceutical sales professional with over 10 years of experience, Karen had career aspirations that were going unrealized. Her dream had always been to open her own spa, but the dream had faded as she worked to climb the career ladder and sustain the lifestyle she had created. Old, worn out, limiting beliefs were holding Karen back from creating a life she truly loved.

By the time Karen called me to coach with her, things were rapidly changing in her world. She was losing her job due to downsizing and was concerned about finding another position. Fear was holding her back from moving forward. Blaming the company, the economy and other outside factors for her situation only held her captive and unable to take focused action.

We began with the steps outlined below to support Karen in creating an inspiring future. Rather than remain stuck, we put together a strategy to get into action and make powerful change to move forward.

Here are ideas for getting out of your own way:

1. Take responsibility for your life. Decide that you will take charge of your future and stop blaming outside circumstances. You are the only one who can change your outcomes.

2. Be present in the present moment. Rather than fretting about what is past or worrying about what may happen in the future, focus on being in the present moment and take full advantage of it.

3. Do your best and let it be. Stop overanalyzing your performance and constantly criticizing yourself for not having done better. Trust that you are doing the best you can and acknowledge yourself for that.

4. Express gratitude. Stop focusing on what you lack and be appreciative for what you have. What you appreciate appreciates.

Schedule your “Discovery Session” now!
Get started right away with an initial session at no charge designed to put you on the path to success. Call to schedule your “Discovery Session” and get started to take yourself and your business to the next level!

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