Thursday, July 9, 2009

Re-Invent Yourself

Would you like to re-invent yourself? Add a little more fun and pleasure to your life? Be who you really are instead of who you think you should be?

Would you like to reconnect with your passion? Dust off those dreams and create something new?

It takes courage to reinvent yourself, to step out of the familiar and be willing to try something new. Fear keeps most people from ever getting started. Not seeing “how” to make a change holds most people back from taking the first step. Martin Luther King said, “You don’t have to see the entire staircase, just take the next step.” Trust that the way will be revealed as you start to create a new outcome.

Many people have come to me recently for help reinventing themselves. Some are being forced to change in order to find a new career. Others are being proactive and taking steps to make changes that will free them from confusion and overwhelm to create a better future.

Amazing results can take place when you make changes in your life. I recently reconnected with one of my passions – dancing. Dance was an important part of my life growing up; some of the happiest memories of my childhood are of dancing. Many of the most valuable lessons I learned came from my dancing experience – discipline, commitment, practice, and the joy of success.

As an adult I had not danced nearly enough. A little disco in the ‘70s, a little salsa when I moved to Miami, some zumba at the gym, but overall way too few experiences to nourish my spirit and feed my inner dancer!

A few weeks ago, I ventured out to a dance studio and ended up at a ballroom class. Interestingly, it has been a life changing experience. A few of the things that have been happening since that first evening….. I met amazing Russian teachers who are true masters; I’ve made several new friends, learned a little cha-cha, foxtrot, waltz and tango - and met a phenomenal dance partner! Other amazing things seemed to have started happening since I stepped out to dance. I’m attracting new clients more easily, I’ve been asked to speak at several events, and a family misunderstanding that had lingered for several months was resolved with love and respect. Coincidence? Perhaps. I think not.

When you are living your life in a way that makes you feel alive, vibrant, happy, and fulfilled, you show up differently. Your performance at work is different, your relationships are easier, you like yourself more, your perspective shifts, and life is more enjoyable. Are you ready for a change? What will you do to reinvent yourself?

Here are some ideas:
1. Try a new haircut. Maybe a new hair color? How about a new fragrance?
2. Rearrange the furniture. Paint a wall. Clean out a closet – get rid of everything you haven’t worn for a year!
3. Leave work earlier. Get out of the office no later than 6pm!
4. Invite a new friend for lunch. New friends are everywhere if you are open to meet them – they shop at your grocery store, have kids that play with yours, share similar interests. Reach out!
5. Reconnect with your passion. For me it was dancing. What is your passion?
6. Laugh every day – often!
7. Explore a new profession. Research. Talk to people doing what you’d like to do to learn more.
8. Try something outside your comfort zone – scuba diving, a cooking class, karate, acting, singing.
9. Find your inspiration and plug into it. Make it a part of your day, every day.
10. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small.

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