Friday, January 8, 2010

New Beginnings

Happy New Year!

2010 is here. It’s a new year, a time for new beginnings, and an opportunity to release the past to make a fresh start.

If you could create anything you want this year, what would it be? Would you take a class? Lose weight once and for all? Make your health a priority? Deal with a difficult employer or co-worker? Make a career change? Start a business of your own? Run for office? Make those sales calls? Write a book? Play piano? Take up wind surfing, diving or tennis?

What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail? In coaching thousands of people these past nine years, I have seen over and over again that you can accomplish amazing things with the right support.

Here are a few of the successes I’ve enjoyed being a part of:
• An overweight, middle-aged man wants to get in shape. He takes up running as a form of exercise and now has a goal to go over 600 miles this year.
• A medical clinic CEO implements a management coaching program which results in a vibrant new culture, expanded client services, and increased profits.
• A law firm implements a leadership coaching program to maximize their investment in young associates suffering from burnout. It leads to a motivated, high performance team, and a happier workplace.
• A single mom leaves a dead-end corporate job to start a business so she can be at home with her toddler. She is creating a financial future that provides flexibility and unlimited income.
• A high-strung, stressed out workaholic agrees to take a vacation – his first in over six years.
• A super successful woman who has put her career first for many years decides to make herself priority, and in the process discovers the love of her life - and marries him!

It’s fun to be on the journey with such incredible people who are willing to step out of their comfort zone and try something different. What I know to be true is that ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary results with support, guidance and accountability.

I would love to work with you this year to achieve your goals. As your coach, I will help you create the structure to make success easier, provide perspective and guidance to keep you on course, and hold you accountable for transforming your dreams into reality.

Are you ready to go for your goals? Are you ready to make changes to create your best year ever? Are you ready to play BIG?

Let’s get started! Here are your first steps:

1. Release the past. So you didn’t accomplish everything you wanted in 2009? So what. No one else did either. The past is over and done. Let it be. Where you are now is more important than where you have been.

2. Clarify your vision. What do you want? Write a description of what you want in as much detail as possible. Spend time visualizing your desires every day.

3. Commit to your success. Commitment means dedication. It means no turning back. Commit to making 2010 your year no matter what. Take action now.

4. Get support. Any goal is easier to reach with a success partner to keep you on course, to encourage you, and challenge you to be your best. Enlist a friend, find a mentor, or hire a coach.

Go for it! Make 2010 YOUR year!

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